Blog / How to Weatherproof Your Garden Design in 6 Steps

You water your garden every day, keep it free of weeds and have it positioned for the proper amount of sunlight. But have you weatherproofed it?

Weatherproofing your garden design involves more than just tending to it. It means giving your garden the best chance to survive and thrive in extreme heat or cold, excessive rain or snow, high winds, and droughts. A weatherproof garden is more capable of fighting off the elements and bouncing back strong each spring. 

Here are some tips for how you can waterproof your garden and ensure it remains the gift that keeps on giving year after year. 

Raise the bed 

A garden in a raised bed can get a head start in the spring because the soil is able to thaw out and warm up faster than a grounded garden. 

Face plants in the right direction

The blossoms of fruit trees and shrubs can be threatened by a frost that comes after the bloom. Position any fruit-bearing plants to face north in order to delay their bloom as long as possible — hopefully until after the final frost has passed. 

At the same time, vegetable plants should face south to maximize their sun exposure during the growing season. 

Save it from the salt

Gardens that are in close proximity to a road or sidewalk can be affected by salt used for winter time de-icing. Covering your garden with plastic or burlap during the dormant months can protect it from the salt. You can also consider planting salt-resistant plants like daylily, columbine, spirea, juniper, and honeylocust. 

Put potted plants in the ground

It’s nice having some greenery in containers and pots around the yard, but they get more exposure to the cold during the winter. Put your potted plants in the ground in the late fall, and they’ll stay warmer and readier for spring. You can even leave them in their container and just bury the entire pot in the ground and pack it tight with mulch.  

Create a micro-climate

Certain types of small trees, shrubs and vines can be planted around the garden to block the wind and keep temperatures warmer. Creating a micro-climate around your garden gives it an optimal chance to thrive. 

Have proper drainage

Too much water can saturate your soil and uproot your plants. Be sure your garden has adequate drainage after a heavy rain so that your plants get a nice drink but without the drown. 

Weatherproof Your Garden in Raleigh, NC

Call on the experts at Redwood Land Design in Raleigh, North Carolina, to weatherproof your garden. From drainage solutions to planting and landscaping, our team can give your garden the resources it needs for a long and fruitful life, season after season. Contact us online for a consultation.